As is shown through our research, the Occupy movement clearly is a large issue and isn’t going away very quickly. Occupy Wall Street was, and still is, a major political protest in which people demanded more equality between the classes in society. This idea went viral, spreading not only to other cities, but also to other countries around the world. The occupy movement isn’t going anywhere in the near future. The weather of New York may have drove them out momentarily, but they will be back. You never know, it might become like Denmark’s protests; mostly day activities with no camping trips. The Occupy movement has spread around the world, and seems quite difficult to stop. Because of its growing nature, citizens must be informed as to the issues demanded and the future of the movement. Never fear…I have newspaper articles to address that!

Below are links to articles predicting the future of the Wall Street movement.
  • The first is from a very trusted news source, Aljazeera. Because of its unbiased nature, I would like to trust its predictions for the future. Also, it is an international newspaper, so it takes the entire Occupy movement into account.
  • This next source is a bit skewed, because it is sponsored and written by the Occupy protesters themselves. However, it is always nice to have a different opinion to compare to. Also, the opinions published on the homepage seem to be very optimistic on a long-running Occupy movement, not just in 2011.
  • Oh, Fox News. As much as I didn’t want to subject myself to watching Fox, I did need the opinions of a more conservative organization. In the clip it is not so much a question of if the Occupy movement will return, it is more focused on how to combat the protesters.
  • This article is from the Huffington Post, so I am much more likely to trust the opinions the writer predicts on the future of the Wall Street movement. The writer makes an interesting point, rather than subjecting people to be protesters, just address the issues they were demanding last time around.
  • This next article predicting the future of the Wall Street movement is much more of an opinion base. Not many statistics are mentioned in the article, which makes me believe that the piece is skewed somewhat. However, the writer makes interesting predictions about the future of the Occupy movement.
  • A some what of a preemptive strike on the part of the judiciary, a judge mandates rules for any person wishing to Occupy the Washington D.C. area. Because of the mandates the judge proposed, protesters will have to go through much more red tape in order to Occupy D.C. than they had to previously.
  • This last source is the official Facebook page of the Future of Occupy. Similar to the webpage run by the Wall Street protesters, this site is not to be trusted, because of its agenda. This particular source illustrates how crucial the social media aspect was to the Wall Street movement and its spread across the world.

Future of Occupy

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